
Dr. Rizky Wisnoentoro

Co-Founder & CEO
IMPAC+ Indonesia

Rizky Wisnoentoro is the CEO & Co-Founder at Impac+ Indonesia, an advisory board member for Global Islamic Impact Investment Forum (London), and the Head of M.Fin in Sustainable Finance at the Indonesian International Islamic University that is a national strategic project under the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. In short, he is a lifelong learner who has been learning for nearly three decades about the immersive issues related with Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility, ESG, economic sociology, as well as sustainable business, technology, and corporate communication / branding. Ranging from academic and scholarly works up to the professional settings in financial industry (foreign exchange, insurance, bank and microfinance).

He is a Ph.D. holder in Corporate Social Responsibility and Philanthropy from the Universiti Sains Malaysia, an editorial board member in international academic journals in the US and Middle East, as well as an active contributor for media with several notable record of articles, including his contribution as a co-researcher at Duke University. In addition, he earned international certifications in the fields of Sustainable Finance, Circular Economy (E-Waste Prevention), as well as Green Economy & Trade from United Nations for Training and Research (UNITAR); and Strategic Issues Management (IPRS – Singapore).

Lastly, he has a bag of important experiences in both academic and professional hemispheres with his extensive career and contribution nationally and globally, such as: the co-researcher for Emeritus Prof. Bruce Lawrence at Duke University, member for international groups in sustainability (i.e. International Institute for Government & Sustainability (Leeds), Harvard Business Review Discussion Group (online), etc), senior leadership / senior executive position at several state-owned banks & financial institutions in Indonesia, as well as the member for the expert board at Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah / Islamic Economic Society (Chair Patron: H.E. Prof. KH. Ma’ruf Amin – the honorable Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia; Chairman: H.E. Erick Thohir – Minister of State-Owned Enterprises; Chairman of the Board of Expert: H.E. Perry Warjiyo, Ph.D. – Governor of the Bank of Indonesia).